Scenic Places
Historic Hawai'i Landmarks.
Under Construction

Kahu O Kahiko Inc. a non-profit organization was founded in 1996. Its purpose is to collect, preserve, and protect Hawaiian historical information. Our intent is to share the knowledge and educate others interested in the future of Hawai'i, through the preservation of Hawaiian cultural traditions and by the saving of sacred landmarks by promoting, restoring, and protecting the fragile ecosystem of Hawaii; while also endorsing healthy food, eco-friendly affordable living and life styles.

The Hawaiian islands are visited by between 3 and 5 million tourists every year. Having worked the tourist industry for 10 years, I have found that most visitors have a wonderful time in the islands. There must be millions and millions of people world wide that understand the Hawaiian islands are a very special place on our planet. Although most visitors probably only experience the tourist traps or just get the highlights of the islands when you get sucked into the hospitality industry. For the enlightened visitor... there is so much more to learn, than is discussed in the normal tourist spots.
Hawai'i is the land of Aloha...islands of love. And most feel that spirit from the time they touch ground, till the time you depart because during your visit you become one of us, part of our island family. The world at large could learn from us how to live within the diverse ethnicity found here. For those that are daring to learn the truth you have an opportunity to enhance your experience by searching out the real Hawai'i. Though there are many cultures here it is the host culture that deserves the credit for being the rich culture of giving, sharing and graciousness. For others with less of an open mind might become somewhat shocked to learn there is a dark side of the islands history. This website is dedicated to the message of truth and justice for the host culture and its core people the Kanaka Maoli for without them there would be no aloha.