ALFs Art Gallery depicts paintings of Hawaii scenic places such as Mauna Kea (the tallest mountain in the world), Mauna Loa (the longest mountain in the world)
Hawaiian Scenic Places

Mauna Kea on Hawai'i Island is the tallest mountain in the world. Here's the catch: If you add what's underneath sea level, then Mount Everest isn't the tallest mountain. The winner then is Mauna Kea, a huge, very tall volcano. Mauna Kea stretches 13,796 feet above water and 19,680 feet underwater, for a total of 33,476! The above picture on the right clearly shows how massive Mauna Kea is. So if you say that it's the whole mountain that counts, then Mauna Kea is the tallest.
Mauna Loa is a REALLY tall and big mountain. At 60 miles long and 30 miles wide, it makes up half of the entire island. When one considers that the flanks of Mauna Loa sit on sea floor that is about 16,400 ft (5,000 M) deep, the "height" of this volcano relative to neighboring land (the sea floor) is more like 30,080 ft (9,170 m)!
Mauna Loa is the largest active volcano in the world. In fact, using this last measure of its height, it is one of the tallest mountains in the world (although many mountains, such as Mt. Everest in the Himalaya mountain range, sit higher relative to sea level).
All large land masses (such as mountains) also push down upon the Earth's crust due to their enormous weight. So, directly beneath Mauna Loa, the sea floor on which it sits is depressed by and additional 26,000 ft (8000 m). Thus, if one wanted to say how thick (at its center) is the lava pile that makes up Mauna Loa, one would need to add its above sea level height, its sea floor to sea level height, and the thickness of its depression in the Pacific sea floor. These total 56,080 ft (17,170 m).
Mauna Loa is a "shield volcano", which means it is a gently sloping mountain produced from a large number of generally very fluid lava flows. The volcano has been erupting for at least 100,000 years (possibly more). Mauna Loa shares the Hawaiian hot spot with its smaller active siblings Kilauea and Loihi seamount.
Large Magnet
(size 3 1/8 inches x 2 1/4 inches)

Tiny Perfume Bottles are the smallest canvas that ALF uses to paint her miniature originals. See the quarter has a size perspective.


"The summit of Mauna Kea is a wahi pana (sacred place). Oblivious to the negative impacts of bulldozing this wahi pana, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

(NASA) and the University of Hawai‘i continue to build giant telescopes on the summit of Mauna Kea. More than 30 years of destruction in the name of science has devastated this fragile ecosystem, pushed rare species to extinction, and alienated Native Hawaiians from their own home land."