The inspiration for the play "Ten Fingers 10 Toes" comes from researching Gulf War syndrome, reading published comments that our young veterans are coming back from the Gulf in less that perfect health. Many of these young vets are testing positive for excessive radiation exposure. Young vets are having children with birth defects and having ongoing problems getting adequate Veterans Administration health care and compensation for serious health problems endured. Four of the nine live performances of Ten Fingers 10 Toes were sponsored by Maui Peace Action. Dr. Lorrin Pang was guest speaker in 6 of nine performances.

Ten Fingers 10 Toes
A simple prayer for a childrens' day
That all are able to jump and play
Enjoy the gifts life will bring
Little angel spirits to dance and sing
We face a horror beyond belief
Act now! Find relief!
Toxic DU dust covers our precious globe
Radioactive fallout blankets her like a robe
Taking our children before they begin
Crimes against humanity,the greatest sin
Stop the insanity for oil and greed
Children pay the highest price indeed
Act now, before everything goes
And children no longer have
Ten Fingers 10 Toes!

Poem written by Lindafaye Kroll RN BSN 2006

10 TOES"
Four females in one Hawai'i family dealing with the anticipated return from their Hawai'i National Guard, husband, father and son-in-law from his second tour of duty in Iraq. He is coming home in poor health and facing the imminent birth of his son known to have a serious birth defect.
What is the cost of war to a mother going to give birth to a child with a major birth defect?
What is the cost of war to two daughters who are losing their dad through illness they don't understand why?
How can a family deal with and handle this horrific family crisis? Losing the man of the house and at the same time adapt to raising a severely disabled child.
Exposure to Ballistic Depleted Uranium Oxide Dust (when the Hawai'i National Guards are called to served in Iraq) is the topic of probable exposure, having the ultimate health consequences, and a severe emotional impact and concern to this ohana (family).
Hawaii National Guardsmen and their friends, family and supporters hug each other in the Group Hug at Aloha Stadium in Honolulu, Hawaii on Aug. 16. More than 6,000 friends, family and supporters gathered at Aloha Stadium to say farewell to 1,700 Hawaii National Guard soldiers due to leave this month for a yearlong deployment to the Middle East.It was announced that they broke the Guinness World Record for the largest group hug.

Rebecca Breyer / Honolulu Advertiser via AP
Lindafaye Kroll RN BSN, nurse-educator, author, actor, writer and researcher travels around Hawai'i educating the general public on the military caused radiation issue in Hawai'i. A major concern is that Hawai'i is contaminated with ballistic depleted uranium through military live-fire training, which is a grave public health risk. Ms. Kroll is the spokesperson on the depleted uranium issue for Kahu O Kahiko (a Hawai'i Non-Profit)

Depleted Uranium (DU) is the radioactive waste product from the nuclear industry. The most popular way for the United States to get rid of this toxic waste is to sell/give it to the weapons industry. DU is toxic heavy metal with radioactive properties used by the military as anti-armor weapon and to reinforce tank armor. Once DU munitions are launched they become ballistic, they catch fire, and on impact they can punch through anything with tremendous force causing trillions of tiny radioactive particles of ballistic depleted uranium dust to be scattered in the environment and carried in the air. These vaporized radioactive heavy metal particles can be inhaled or ingested and cause illness because of contaminated air, food or water supply. The military claims DU is not harmful to health and environment but independent experts disagree. The solid form of DU is not harmless;but we agree with the military talking points that in its solid form DU does not present much of a public health risk. Ballistic depleted uranium , on the other hand, DOES present a public health risk of exposure to anyone downwind of its use.
Depleted Uranium is a problem in Hawai'i . In 2005 during unexploded ordnance clean-up spent DUspotting rounds were found at Schofield Barracks despite the Army's denial of ever having or using DU munitions in Hawaii. The Navy stores DU munitions on Oahu under the "Naval Radioactive Materials Permit." DU remains radioactive for over 4.5 billion years. We know DU is in Hawai'i . We are trying to find out how contaminated the islands are from DU. HB 1452 (to test for depleted uranium in Hawai'i) was tabled until the 2008 State of Hawai'i Legislative Session. Private residents on Big Island have armed themselves with radiation monitors. Radiation readings much higher than background readings have already been measured.

5 Year Old Pua and Teddy Bear Talk Story
"Bear .. Bear… Bear Where are You?"
(Goes around front off stage.. looks Goes behind curtain.).
"There you are.. ! This is not my room anymore. This is baby brudder's room and.. HE'S NOT EVEN BORNDED YET! I getta to move ta Lani's room cuz I'm a big girl now like my big sister. Lani's mad. I don't know why?
Hey, GUESS WHAT BEAR IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! Hey Bear gimme a hug. Is that all the stronger you are? That's a whimpy hug I say Gimme a BIG HUG!
Guess What BEAR???? I'm 5 years old today. It's my BIRTHDAY.
Daddy's coming back from Iraq! Daddy's coming back from IRAQ!

"Tutu says I have to help make a big party for Daddy and my birthday."
"This time he goin' to stay home. Daddy's goin' to stay home and be our daddy. Tutu says I have to be very good and not make too much noise cuz daddy's a LITTLE bit sick. Daddy's a little bit sick…Just little bit sick? Why he a little bit sick?"
"And mommy cry. Why mommy cry Bear? Why? Mommy says that baby brudder is a little bit sick and a little bit broken. Baby brudder is a little bit broken. Baby brudder is a little broken .. I don't know why?? But it makes mommy cry..."
The play Ten Fingers 10 Toes is really the story of 7 years research and study on military toxins the most dangerous being DU. The information below are from experts, educators and activists I believe are standing for and speaking the truth.
WE Pray …We pray now Bear. Like this...
No . Like this...
Dear God,
Baby Jesus not broken. Make baby brudder not broken.Make Daddy not sick too. Please fix baby Brudder and Daddy…So mommy cry no MORE. (pause) AMEN. Ok bear…gotta go help tutu…you come.

12 Year Old Lani complaining to a Friend on her Cell Phone.
Twelve Year Old Lani
(Enter the stage. Pacing the room dialing phone)
"Hey Lehua I'm glad your there I got to talk to you something terrible has happened! You gotta listen to me!....Yes.. what? Oh yes that (roll eyes)…well you were right…about that… I talked to mom this morning and I did get my period today. But this is awful and it hurts. Yes… mmm..yes.. mmm. I know. I KNOW.. but really….. This is awful and I don't like it! Mom says I'm a young woman now.I don't want to be a young woman! ….What? You talked to who? And he says he likes me! (looks excited) and he says he wants me to be his girlfriend! (Looks excited then frowns) I don't care. I don't care about that now. I Know, I know I said I liked him last week but I don't like him now. Everything has changed!"

"YOU GOTTA LISTEN TO ME! Something really terrible has happened. That's why I called.I heard mom and dad talking last night… And mom was crying….it's about when dad went to Iraq he got exposed to something called DU…. Well, I don't know exactly what it is. Could you google it and get back to me. Mom won't let me on the computer. She says I have an attitude problem besides she's on the computer all the time now nobody else can use it! Anyway, this DU stuff made Dad sick and he didn't even know it. When he came home last time from Iraq and mom got pregnant it's made the baby sick too. Well not exactly sick but it's really bad. There's something very wrong with the baby...."
"NO I'M NOT MAKING THIS UP! My baby brother is going to be deformed. No I'm not lying! Really… my baby brother is going to be a freak! He has a major birth defect! Listen to Me!... When my brother is born he is not going to have any arms! "
"My mom says that we'll learn to love him anyway. I don't know HOW to do that!! I don't know WHAT to do!! I don't think I can love a freak!! I don't want to live here anymore. I don't want a freak for a brother! All the kids will point at him and laugh at him and I'll die of embarrassment. My life is over! I don't want to live with a freak ! Yes,… uhhh…WHAT!..Wait! You don't understand and you're not
Pregnant Mom Worries about the Future
Pregnant woman carries the laundry basket from back stage and hangs the signs on clothesline: GULF WAR SYNDROME, BIRTH DEFECTS, DIABETES, CANCER, WAR PROFITS DU RADIOACTIVE FOREVER, (Pregnant mother, comes into the room rubbing her stomach goes to the crib and baby kicks her in the ribs, she flinches, then goes to the chair and sits down and says…)
"Oh baby boy that was good kick right in the ribs! I Think I'll sit down on that one." "Oh little baby boy, I hope you come soon (gently rubbing her stomach) I love you sooo very much, Keoni" (pause)
Set the stage: Husband enters and mom talks to him:
"Oh honey... there you are. I'm glad you're home. Honey, I'm sorry for getting so emotional last night…some ohana we are…Lani's angry, Pua's confused, you're not as healthy as you once were, and I'm emotional honey, I'm sorry for making it sound like it is your fault last night. I know it's not your fault…"

"The Hawaii National Guard hasn't been telling the truth about the health hazards of DU. Tutu and I have been doing some research on the internet. You see, The medical experts I've read believe Gulf War syndrome, which has a wide variety of different kinds of illnesses, is caused by exposure to depleted uranium dust. Depleted uranium is the radioactive waste of the nuclear industry. The U.S. government sells or gives it to the weapons industry. As a weapon, it is very effective, on impact it burns very hot and slices through any thing with tremendous force causing trillions of ballistic microscopic radioactive particles to be scattered in the environment and carried in the air. You see, DU particles are as small as a virus can travel anywhere in the body once inhaled. If the DU lodges in the lungs you get lung problems, if it lodges in the bones you get bone problems or if it lodges in the pancreas you can get diabetes... And now you have diabetes. I talked to your mother this morning she confirmed that you're the first in the family that has ever had diabetes before. And if DU gets in the semen it causes birth defects just like the birth defect our baby has."

"I was curious about birth defects in Hawaii. I found Hawaii Birth Defects Program and on the home page it says Hawaii has 17,000 live births each year and out of those, one thousands births in Hawaii has a recognizable abnormality. That means you can see the birth defect. A thousand births a year that's too high! That's 1 in 17! Then I googled birth defects and Iraq. It didn't take me long to find her. I saw a picture of a baby girl in Iraq that has the same birth defect as our baby boy. The doctors over there believe the high rate of birth defects are caused by depleted uranium dust. And you know what else. There's not just one or two children… there's hundreds and hundreds of them. I just kept seeing their little tiny faces. It's just terrible. One hospital in Basrah averages five deaths a day in infants and children since this war began. What sane government would do this to children? (pause) These innocent children are the enemy of no one. Who are the monsters now?"

Babies born in Iraq and Afghanistan after Gulf War I, radiation exposure is suspect in creating these birth defects.
Gulf War I and II Veterans that tested positive for excessive radiation exposure and have children with birth defects.

Sister Rosalee Bertill Ph.D speaks about DU oxide. She is one of the leading experts on DU oxide in the world.
Dr. Doug Rokke, the military's DU expert in Gulf War I. He is dying of radiation sickness.

"We have some tough times ahead, honey . I'm so worried how we are going to pay all the medical bills that are coming. Our baby boy is going to be expensive. He is going to have special needs. The VA is not going to help us. They don't recognize that our baby's birth defect is service connected. General Lee even stated in the newspaper recently that HIS TROOPS called up don't handle DU. General Lee is either uninformed, which I doubt, he is a general or he is deliberately miss leading the public! You don't have to handle DU to get exposed to the dust! Ballistic DU dust is everywhere in Iraq. The United States military has dropped tons of it in Iraq and Afghanistan. All our Nat'l Guard troops and everyone else over there are at risk at breathing in the dust."
"Honey, I keep trying to focus on happier times . Remember the hugging game? You'd pick the girls up and ask for a hug. Then you'd tease them and say is that all the stronger you are? That's a whimpy hug I asked for a big hug! And they would wrap their

little arms tight around your neck and squeeze even tighter and we'd all laugh. Even happier times makes me sad.… We can never have another child. We can't chance it. We can no longer play the hugging game….. How is our little boy ever going to hug us back!! There I go getting emotional again…I'm sorry…I'll go start dinner we'll talk later…"(pregnant mother goes behind curtain and turns up song and changes into Tutu costume )
Tutu (grandparent in Hawaiian) and Keoni
Tutu (Grandmother waking into room holding her disabled grandson up on her shoulder)
" Here we are grandson… Tutu has your kau kau we'll sit right here and talk story… "Oh Keoni, my little angel face. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I wish things could be different. You know I attended a depleted uranium rally 2 years ago and they said DU would touch every person in the room before long. I was sitting there. I remember it so clearly I thought they were over reacting. I just didn't believe them so I didn't do anything... "
"That was before they sent Hawaii National Guard and your daddy to Iraq. Maybe I could have done something to prevent this from happening to you.? Your mom and I are doing a lot of research on the internet." (stand up walk and burp the baby)
"Many medical experts state that there is no safe level of radioactivity to life forms. Depleted uranium has a half life of over 4.5 billion years. That means, DU is radioactive forever. The military claims that using depleted uranium munitions are not harmful to health and environment. But the military's claims are false.Using DU munitions also violates all kinds of laws: the 1925 Geneva Convention on Poison Gas Weapons, the 1907 Hague Convention, the 1996 United Nations Human Rights Commission Resolution specially lists depleted uranium as weapons of indiscriminate destruction. And there are many medical and scientific experts coming
forward to tell the truth about DU. One Japanese scientist calculated then reported that the amount of radioactivity released in Iraq since 1991 is 400,000times greater than the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.
"They found DU at Schofield Barracks in August 2005 and on August 21, 2007 The military admitted that Pohakuloa Training Area is contaminated with DU"
"Our world is in NUCLEAR WAR: It's not the big mushroom clouds you might suspect. This one is invisible, silent but much more deadly! It will kill and maim people for generations to come. Another scientist BELIEVES so much Radioactive DU particles have been put into the atmosphere and has traveled around the world it is causing a GLOBAL EPIDEMIC OF DIABETES, CANCER AND BIRTH DEFECTS. I'm inclined to believe these experts now since this happened to you. (sit back down and feed baby some more)...Keoni, remember, always remember that your birth defect is NOT your daddy's fault...."(pause) "…the military lied to him. They said it wasn't harmful and all that time he was breathing in the dust that has ruined his health and caused you so much trouble. "
"We have trouble here in Hawai'i too with all the military live-fire artillery training. The military is going to increase their live-fire from 16 million rounds per year to
20 million rounds a year according to the EIS. Is the military doing live-fire training now? We could be breathing more DU radiation dust right now! Don't those people Honolulu who have the power to make LAW care about any of us? Don't they care about themselves? They live here toowith there own families! Don't they care about their own families? Oh angle faceI don't understand them! (Stand walk and burp baby) I heard some private citizens are doing there own testing with a radiation monitors on Big Island because they already got a high radiation reading on May 29th at Mauna Kea State Park… it was much higher than background radiation.
"Is any place in Hawaii safe? We have to let more people now about this. Now the military says they will do the testing for depleted uranium. But Hawaii residents are worried because all of the military talking points published inthe local papers is about testing for the solid form of DU, which doesn't present much of a public health hazard. They are not dealing with our concern about the DU dust form which can become airborne and carried on our trade winds over our communities.I promise you Keoni…"
I'll never be silent again I promise you. (put baby in crib) I'm going to write letters to news papers and politicians and talk to people until they listen.I'm going to support

Mahalo (Thank-you) I am Lindafaye Kroll I testified three times in support of HB 1452. (A bill to test Hawai'i for depleted uranium) I felt that the Hawai'i State Legislature did not listen to me... In my opinion three local residents of Hawaii, made a big difference in educating the legislature about depleted uranium...
Two are the Hawaiian cultural monitors Leimaile and Kamoa Quitevis. They gave eye witness accounts of what is going on at Schofield. Lemaile's sister was helping identify Hawaiian sites a year ago (2006) on the artillery range..She didn't know she was pregnant. Last April she gave birth to an infant with its intestines outside its body just like this baby. Now I understand the Leimaile's niece survived the initial surgery. I know for sure that that family now has a hospital bill between $200,000 and $300,000. Now, We may never know if DU exposure caused the birth defect, We do not have absolute proof that DU caused these birth defects from Iraq and Afghanistan either. We only have strong suspicions and high probabilities based in principles of science, physiology and common sense. And the third...."

Dr. Lorrin Pang Credentials
Military Rank: Lt Colonel, Medical Corp (Retired) Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
Date/Birthplace: 30 March 1953 Honolulu, Hawaii
Education/Training: 1971-75 Princeton University, BS Chemistry, Cum Laude
1975-79 Tulane Medical School, MD
1976-79 Tulane School of Public Health
MPH in Tropical Medicine
1979-80 Federal University of Brazil;
Recife, Pernambuco, Post Graduate
Studied Pathology & Infectious Disease
1980-81 Letterman Army Hospital, San
Francisco, CA, Medicine Intern
1981-82 Walter Reed Army Institute of
Research, Washington DC, Preventive
Medicine Residency
Positions Held: 1982-87 Epidemiologist, AFRIMS (Walter Reed Inst. Overseas Laboratory) Bangkok, Thailand
1987-90 Chief, Preventive Medicine Service, Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii
1987-89 Clinical Associate Professor, School of Public Health, University of Hawaii
1990-92 Medical Officer, Malaria Unit, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
1992-97 Clinician/Epidemiologist,Walter Reed Institute of Research Overseas Laboratory, Brazil.
1994-5 Adviser to Pan American Health Organization (Meningitis Vaccine)
1985-Present Adviser to World Health Organization (Tropical DiseaseResearch Unit: Chagas Disease, Leishmaniasis, Malaria, Clinical Trials)
1997-2000 Chief, Department of Bacteriolog and Molecular Genetics, AFRIMS, Walter Reed Institute of Research Overseas Laboratory, Bangkok, Thailand.
1997-2000 Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand.
2000-present District Health Officer, Maui County State of Hawaii
2001-present Independent Advisor Glaxo Smith Kline Pharmaceutical
Awards: Army Achievement Medal, 1982, 1996.;Army Research and Development Medal, 1987.
Army Meritorious Service Medal, 1990, 1997.
Selected as on of Hawaii's top (3%) physicians for 2006-7.
Selected as one of the Nations top (3%) physicians for 2006-7.
Selected one of 10 Citizens of Hawaii who "Made a Difference" in 2001 for eradication of Dengue on Maui, Hawaii
2002 Discovery Channel documentary on Dengue outbreak and eradication in Maui 2006-7 Selected as one of Hawaii's top (3%) physicians
2006-7 & 2007-8 Selected to America's Best Doctors List (3% of physicians)
Certification: Medical License State of Louisiana, 1980- 2000. Hawaii State License, 2000-present Board Certification in Preventive Medicine, 1990.
Dr. Lorrin Pang Credentials
Depleted Uranium Weapons
Weapons of Mass Destruction
US Veteran Dennis Kyne Served in Desert Shield and Desert Storm
"The third individual that really made a difference in educating the legislature about the depleted uranium contamination issue was Dr. Lorrin Pang, from Maui. (See Dr. Pang's education and training credentials in the above right column.)
Dr. Pang was guest speaker in 6 of the 9 performances of Ten Fingers 10 Toes" He currently works for the Hawaii State Public Health Department of Maui County. While speaking on the subject of depleted uranium he is doing so only as private concerned resident of Hawaii, and he is speaking in his private capacity and not for State of Hawai'i Health Department.
The Nuclear Industry is at the bottom of DU contamination on our globe. View this YouTube with Dr. Helen Caldicott, the co-founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility.

Dr. Lorrin Pang is a champion for Hawai'i 's public on serious public health issues facing Hawai'i today, like the GMO issue and the depleted uranium contamination issue. Dr Pang is the people's choice to represent us in the controversy of the US military contaminating Hawai'i with depleted uranium oxide. Despite his impressive credentials he too is being stonewalled by the State of Hawaii political power and by the US military.
To set the record straight: During a Maui performance Dr. Pang was misquoted in the newspaper and given credit for a statement I made. I know Dr. Pang and believe that he would never say this about the military: "The U.S. Military is the biggest non-regulated dirty industry polluting planet earth today."
listening…. I don't want to be a young woman…. I don't want this period. I don't want any boyfriends, I don't want to live with a freak and I never,never, never want to have babies!!! (hangup and shout) NOBODY UNDERSTANDS ME!" (Stomps off stage)
groups trying to make a difference to stop this insane silent nuclear war. I promise you Keoni, I'll do it for you and all children around the world because children like you have a god given right to have.......... "Ten Fingers 10 Toes." (Tutu hangs the words over the other laundry signs) ACT NOW TEST HAWAII FOR DEPLETED URANIUM. The Beginning...What will you do?

Understanding Hawaiian history and 117 years of belligerent occupation of the United States Government. The song Kaulana Na Pua written in 1898 against the annexation of Hawai'i and is translated in the above YouTube.

B&W photos from Life Magazine