This web page is dedicated to the protection of the land and residents of the Hawaiian Islands. For decades the United States military has used these islands for live-fire artillery training exposing the island's fragile environment and its residents to toxins, including the use of ballistic radioactive depleted uranium (DU) munitions.
Kahu O Kahiko Inc, is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting, preserving and protecting the Hawaiian culture. Kahu O Kahiko translates as the "keepers of the past or keepers of the ancient knowledge". Hawaiians have a deeply imbedded spiritual connection to the aina (the land). Hawaiians of the past were expert conservationists' of the aina and protected the island's fragile ecosystem through strict Kapu (laws).
Since 1893, when the islands were involved in a "hostile take over" of their Hawaiian government and subsequent illegal occupation by a foreign government; many Hawaiians are deeply sadden by the ongoing destruction and pollution of their precious aina. Lindafaye Kroll RN BSN, and author of this webpage, is the spokesperson for Kahu O Kahiko on the pollution issue of ballistic depleted uranium oxide contamination of the Hawaiian Islands.
Hawai'i is a sacred place on the planet which is loved, enjoyed and visited by millions of people every year from all over the world. Residents and visitors alike are "kept in the dark" about military contamination in Hawai'i.

This web page is dedicated to the protection of the land and residents of the Hawaiian Islands. For decades the United States military has used these islands for live-fire artillery training exposing the island's fragile environment and its residents to toxins, including the use of ballistic radioactive depleted uranium (DU) munitions.

The U.S. Military has practiced making war in Hawai'i since before WWII with live-fire artillery training. Everything having to do with modern warfare is toxic to the environment and communities downwind.

The Hawaiian islands are beautiful and majestic with a very fragile ecosystem. There are more endangered plants and animals in Hawai'i than in any other U.S. military base.
Hawai'i has over one million residents who live, work and play in our paradise. Yet, government and public health officials refuse to look at military toxins as even a remote probability and possibility of causing a high incidence of health problems among local residents.

In August 2005 depleted uranium spotting rounds were discovered on Schofield Barracks, O'ahu despite the military's claims that they NEVER used depleted uranium in Hawai'i.
In April 2007 HB 1452 (which was to test Hawai'i for DU) had passed in both State of Hawai'i Houses yet, failed to pass into law. Despite strong testimony and serious public concerns the Bill was tabled to the 2008 legislative session. This action convinces many that our islands are grossly contaminated with depleted uranium and the Hawai'i State legislature does not want to deal with it. (at least not this year)
Meanwhile, military live-fire training continues. Two other military toxins of concern are lead and RDX (the Royal Demolition Explosive) both had recorded high levels in the U.S. Army's Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) published in May 2004.

What is Depleted Uranium?
Depleted Uranium (DU) is the radioactive waste product from the nuclear industry. The most popular way for the United States to get rid of this toxic waste is to sell/give it to the weapons industry. DU is toxic heavy metal with radioactive properties used by the military as anti-armor weapon and to reinforce tank armor.
Once DU munitions are launched they become ballistic, they catch fire, and on impact they can punch through anything with tremendous force causing trillions of tiny radioactive particles of ballistic depleted uranium dust to be scattered in the environment and carried in the air. These vaporized radioactive heavy metal particles can be inhaled or ingested and cause illness because of contaminated air, food or water supply.
The military claims DU is not harmful to health and environment but independent experts disagree. The solid form of DU is not harmless;but we agree with the military talking points that in its solid form DU does not present much of a public health risk. Ballistic depleted uranium , on the other hand, DOES present a public health risk of exposure to anyone downwind of its use.

Above photo taken by Greenpeace. For a map of all Nuclear Power Plants across the USA. Scroll below.
The Harsh Reality of the U. S. Military Presence in Hawai'i
The six decades of U.S. States military artillery practice has taken a toll on the health of the residents of Hawai'i. The present military build up will increase live-fire training from 16 million rounds to 20 million rounds a year according to the U.S. Army's Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). In the military's Transformation of the 25th Infantry to the Stryker Brigade Combat Team, over 300 Strykers vehicles will be introduced to Hawai'i for anti-armor live-fire training. Toxic pollution from this activity drifts on the trade winds over our communities. It can also contaminate our water and soil. The most hazardous conditions created by live-fire training are considered in the EIS as"mitigable to less than significant."
Hawai'i Residents' Protest
Hawai'i residents have a right to live in an environment without toxic pollution and contamination of our air, water and soil. The quality of air that we breathe will NEVER be less than significant to us!
Since the discovery of depleted uranium spotting rounds on Schofield Barracks, many residents are seriously concerned about DU contamination and being exposed to high levels of radiation.
HB 1452 (to test for DU is tabled for another year) Sadly for the islands, the biggest polluter of Hawai'i today is the biggest unregulated dirty industry polluting our planet: The United States Military .
Presently, the best that we can hope for is that next year (2008) the Hawai'i State legislature will take our concerns seriously and Test Hawai'i for Depleted Uranium. DU has an extremely long half life and vaporized DU dust can not be cleaned up. Our goal at Protect Hawaii is for the military to stop disrupting the artillery ranges with more live-fire training and remediate land contaminated by their activity.

Stryker's Ammo...DU Penatrators
Live-Fire Practice
Real and Lethal

Health Problems in Hawai'i and Official Stonewalling
One in seventeen births in Hawai'i has a "recognizable abnormality", according to the Hawaii Birth Defects Program website. Cases of diabetes and asthma are on the rise, especially in communities downwind from live-fire training ranges, like Waianae, Oahu. Heart disease and cancer are the first and third leading cause of death in Hawai'i . According to the National Center of Health Statistics the national rates for cancer and heart disease are dropping while Hawai'i's rates are climbing.

Update: As of June 2010 Live-Fire Training continues on radioactive artillery ranges and NO Air testing for DU and other military toxins has been implemented, despite Hawai'i residents repeated requests!
The Starbulletin reported on March 11, 2004 that 23,000 children in Hawai'i are in Special Education and 720 children were identified as having autism. "Childhood autism in Hawai'i is growing at epidemic rate, according to Autism Society officials. No one knows why? It could be genetic or environmental (chemical exposure.)" The Department of Health (DOH) and the Department of Education (DOE) spending for special education needs has risen from approximately 75 million dollars a year in 1994 to over 350 million dollars annually in 2004.
U.S. Military
Pollution of Hawai'i
Hawai'i has SEVEN Super Fund
cleanup sites caused by military activity. Yet the mainstream media is always pro-military.

For over sixty years, (Counting from WWII and forward) the land and residents of Hawai'i have endured tremendous toxic pollution exposure from military use and munitions' training in the islands.
The 2004 Defense Environmental Restoration Program report to Congress listed 798 military contamination sites at 108 installations in Hawai'i, 96 of which were contaminated with unexploded ordnance, seven of the military contamination sites were considered "Superfund sites. These sites have not been cleaned up! Meanwhile, the toxic components of this pollution leach into the Hawaiian environment.

The red areas of the maps (Below) show the United States military occupation of O'ahu and Hawai'i island.
Where there is military occupation, there is military contamination!
These maps do not show past military land uses, outside of the U.S.military bases here in Hawai'i. These past land uses were contaminated in the past, not adequately cleaned up and long since abandoned. Many of these old sites are now developed for public use or residential family homes. Some old military sites even have schools built on them.
Good information about DU munitions
Good history of military occupation of Hawai'i and excellent research on military toxin exposures in Hawai'i since WWII.
Mapped locations of Nuclear Power Plants and waste by product DU
Thank-God Hawai'i doesn't have a nuclear power plants. We only have nuclear submarines that leak in Pearl Harbor; and the contamination of nuclear industry waste by-product depleted uranium. The map below depicts where the nuclear power plants are located across the continental USA. If you live within a 100 miles from one... your community most probably has higher incidence of cancer rates as compared to communities that are not living 100 miles from a nuclear power plant.

The Nuclear Industry is at the bottom of DU contamination on our globe. View this YouTube with Dr. Helen Caldicott, the co-founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility.

To understand the total impact of military toxins on the Hawaiian islands, it is important to understand Hawaiian history. See the short videos below...